Psychological Capital Intervention towards Controlling Counterproductive Work Behavior
1 Lecturer, Sarhad University Peshawar
2 TRACK, Peshawar, Pakistan
3 Agriculture University Pakistan, Peshawar
Counter Productive Work Behaviour (CWB) is vibrant phenomena exist in contemporary workplace setting practices which has to be encounter. This study explores the Psychological Capital (PC) interference towards controlling CWB. Study structure was based on quantitative and cross sectional. Questionnaires were distributed amid 240 workers of SNGPL KPK, Pakistan. Structure
Equation Modeling (SEM) beside regression plus correlation techniques were applied on data for analysis. The outcomes of study explore that there occurs solid affirmative correlation amid PC interference in the direction of controlling CWB. The forthcoming research zone is also integrated in this study.
Keywords: CounterproductiveiWorkiBehaviour, PsychologicaliCapitali, SEM
Received Revised
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