Use of ICT facilities in Higher Education System
Lesbela University of Agriculture, Water & Marine Science, Uthal, Pakistan
The latest IT innovations can help the change in the societies as significant as the innovations of printing, administratively and Industrial innovations. Since the innovations of a simple circuit and even a wheel, the people start acting differently as well as they vastly doing the things differently. For development of effective educational system which could achieve the objectives against the targets; now a days there is increasing demand of flexible, advance and effective techniques for learning in which Information Communication Technologies (ICT) plays a vital role. In the educational system the “teaching” and the “learning” are the two important activities in addition to the “assessment” which is synchronizing the teaching and learning activities. The different stages of the educational system can be managed well with the help of Information Communication Technology (ICT). In this research paper we will focus on the targets and the challenges in
the higher education system and we will propose the important role of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and its success by having the professional implementation techniques. At the end of this research papers some recommendations are also provided which can be used as a first step for advancement and promotion of Information Communication Technologies (ICT)
in our Higher Education System.
Keywords: ICT, Teaching, Learning, Assessment, Higher Education.
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