Defining Green Business Ethics and Exploring Its Adoption within the Textile Industry of Pakistan
Iqra University - Islamabad Campus, Pakistan
The main objective of this research paper is to propose a newly introduced concept of GreenBusiness Ethical Practice (GBEPs) which is a composite set of 18 practices include consisting ofelements that can be grouped under the following actions: repurposing & reusing, recycling,remanufacturing, reverse logistic, emergency preparedness plan, maintenance and continuation ofemergency system, philanthropy, fair dealing, child labor, essential healthcare, women rights,paternal leaves, compliance to transgender laws, carbon dioxide footprint reduction, water wastemanagement, air pollution, dust pollution, and noise pollution. This qualitative study has beenconducted on twenty-five textile firms which are recognised as 'green' by international authoritiesand are engaged in export of textile good. The key findings of the study reveal that adoption ofGBEPs not only enhances a company's reputation at the international level in terms of itsresponsiveness toward environment and international society but also helps it in boosting itsecological enactment by managing its environmental obligations in an efficient manner. The studyrecommends to formulate a comprehensive policy and regulation package for companies trying tobe green and intending to the part of global value chain. There should be a universal and compositeset of codes encompassing practices of social, environmental under one umbrella like GBEP tosimplify the way to become internationally active. Collective steps like awareness campaigns, socialrecognition workshops towards conservation of environment and human integrity should be takenin order to achieve collaborated sustainable growth.
Keywords: GBEP, GBE, Textile, Business, Environment
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