Antecedents of Constructive Deviance Behaviors and The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment: Conditional Process Analysis
Kamil Hussain & Hina Rehman
National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
The purpose of the current study was to test self-esteem, extraversion, risk-takingpropensity, proactive personality and generalized self-efficacy as predictors of constructivedeviance behaviors and to test the mediating role of psychological empowerment betweenthe antecedents and constructive deviance behaviors. Data was collected usingquestionnaire adopted from previous studies to measure the relationships between thevariables. Data was collected from 561 managerial and non-managerial employees oforganizations related to informatics sector of Pakistan. Results of the study showed thatself-esteem, extraversion, risk-taking propensity, generalized self-efficacy and proactivepersonality were significantly related to constructive deviance behaviors. Psychologicalempowerment mediated between the relationships of self-esteem and extraversion withconstructive deviance behaviors. Result shows that conditional indirect effects of self-esteem and extraversion on constructive deviance behaviors through psychologicalempowerment (mediator) were significant at the low, average and high values of collectivistorientation (moderator). The study concluded that employee having collectivist orientationwill less likely be involved in deviance behaviors.
Keywords: Constructive Deviance Behaviors, Psychological Empowerment, CollectivisticOrientation, Self-esteem, Extraversion.
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