The Effect of Explicit Knowledge Sharing on Human Resource Performance Efficiency: Moderating Role of Human Capacity Development
Iqra National University, Peshawar
Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar
There are numerous causes responsible for attaining performance efficiency of human resourcewithin the organizations. In this pursuit, the current research has been aimed to further evaluatethe relationship exists between Explicit Knowledge Sharing (EKS) within organizations andperformance efficiency of the human resources. A quantitative study for the said purpose has beenundertaken to ascertain the impact of EKS on performance of human resources while consideringthe moderating effect of Human Capacity Development (HCD). Quantitative study approach wasadopted, and a structured questionnaire was developed based on the relevant studies alreadyconducted in this field. The questionnaires were distributed among 500 respondents, out of which345 responded, which provided the researcher with 69% response rate. Population of the studycomprises wide range of organizations such as Government, Non-Government, International &Private Sector, which were consulted for the primary data collection across the province of KhyberPakhtunkhwa & Capital Territory of Islamabad by adopting Simple Random Sampling technique.Analysis were drawn through the application of statistical software tools i.e. Amos for factoranalysis & SPSS for statistical analysis.The analysis of the data revealed that organizations with EKSpractices, subsequently accomplishes efficiency in the performance of their human resourcesthrough a positive moderating effect of Human Capacity Development. The usefulness of findingshas been endorsed through numerous studies by the local and international scholars of the area.
Keywords: Explicit Knowledge Sharing, Human Resource Performance Efficiency, KnowledgeManagement, Knowledge Sharing
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