We examined a serial mechanism demonstrating how the daily uplifts in an organization's work-environment promote its innovativeness. We tested the mediating roles of flourishing at work and personal information management motivation, in serial, between daily uplifts and organizational innovativeness. Using prior reliable measures in a two-wave field survey, we collect employee-reported data from 112 pharmaceutical industry employees from across Pakistan. The measurement model indicated acceptable levels of reliability and validity. The correlational analysis indicated a significant positive association among all variables: daily uplifts, flourishing at work, personal information management motivation, and organizational innovativeness. The structural model revealed that daily uplifts have significant total, direct, and indirect effects on organizational innovativeness through enhanced flourishing at work and personal information management motivation. The mediation analysis further showed that neither flourishing at work nor personal information management motivation alone mediate the relationship between daily uplifts and organizational innovativeness. However, both variables in serial mediate this relationship, demonstrating that daily uplifts boost flourishing at work leading to improved personal information management motivation, which expands organizational innovativeness. The findings offer an in-depth understanding of how augmentation of the daily uplifts could be valuable and advantageous for organizations aiming for enhanced innovativeness in their operations.
Keywords: Daily uplifts, flourishing at work, personal information management motivation, organizational innovativeness.