Men’s Perception Regarding Women Economic Empowerment in Rural Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
Sardar Ahmad, Bushra Shafi, Mussawar Shah
The University of Agriculture Peshawar.
Main objective of this research paper is to explore the men’s perception regarding women empowerment in the economic field. The study was conducted in the rural area of district Dir lower, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, through measurement of variables as obstacle to women economic stability and empowerment i.e. attitude of male towards women economic stability, restriction on women to work, economic opportunities, cultural and religious constrains and attitude towards working women. The study summed up with uni-variate and bi-variate analysis. Main outcomes of the study are, Joint family pattern is very common in rural traditional society. People are less educated, low level of earning as compare to the economic necessities. Economic empowerment of women are not prevalent due to women exposures to various cultural practices in rural traditional society. Lack of economic opportunity, denial from inheritance right, dependency on male, disagreement of male on certain jobs with women and lack of suitable self-employment opportunities brought desolations to women. Economic empowerment of women are associated with lack of information from current jobs opening, dependencies of women on male while applying for a particular economic opportunity, attitude of male that women must take care of their like and dislike while seeking job are the major factors with contributes to women economic disempowerment significantly.
Keywords: Cultural restriction, religious restriction, joint family, early marriage and women dependencies in economic field.
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