The Abasyn University Journal of Social Sciences (AJSS) is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed open access journal that is published on six monthly bases. The AJSS intends to serve as an open platform for academia, researchers and civil society to communicate their ides, views and research findings across the cultures. The journal strives to provide quality research publications that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. The management of the AJSS is committed to complete peer review process with in two months (maximum) and informs the author about the acceptance or otherwise about the paper accordingly.
Welcome to Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences
Introduction to Abasyn University
Abasyn University, Peshawar was established in December 2007 through promulgation of an ordinance by the Governor KPK following recommendation of Higher Education Commission, Islamabad for grant of charter to Abasyn University, Peshawar, upon fulfillment of the bench-marks laid down by the Commission and the Federal Cabinet. Subsequently...
HEC Ethical Guidelines
The Editor of a research journal plays an important role in establishing and maintaining the professional standards. Publication of a paper in an HEC recognized journal is expected to be a reflection of quality work of the author (s) and the affiliating institution (if any). The Editor is expected to perform the responsibility of an editor to adapt...
Current Issue
Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences
Volume 17 Issue 1, 2024
"Unleashing Creative Potential" How Gritty Leadership and Learning Agility Foster Innovative Performance?
Muhammad Younas Khan, Shazia Faiz
The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Project Success: Mediating Role of Team Identity, Team Communication, and Team Empowerment
Aqeel Wahab Siddiqui, Muhammad Bilal Shaukat
Open Access Policy: Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences ensures that all manuscripts
published in it are freely accessible online/ via internet immediately upon publication,
without any cost/barrier of subscription/registration to the readers universally.