Vol (13), Issue (2), 2020.

From the Editor's Desk

Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences (AJSS) intends to create a vibrantforum for discussion on new issues and developments meant for advancingpractice and to make guide contribution to the diversified dimensions ofbusiness and management sciences. AJSS welcomes researchers for submissionof their unique perspectives aimed at bringing furtherance to the existingfrontiers of business and management discipline. The journal is oriented towardpublication of high-quality research that covers a broad range of topics fallingunder the category of business and management domain, methodologies andnew theoretical paradigms.A key attribute of AJSS has always been to focus on improving theunderstanding of innovative theoretical and practical dimensions of managementsciences along with maintaining high standards of rigor and writing style.All research articles submitted to AJSS goes to the rigorous doublenational and international blind peer review mechanism where anonymity ofauthors to reviewers and reviewers to authors are ensured so as to make thereview process fair and transparent.The current issue includes research articles related to strategy,entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, and organizations as well as allfunctional areas of business but the Pandemic situation of Covid-19 we are in atthe moment desperately yearns to focus on avenues of research related to thehuge economic cost in terms of millions of jobs lost, trillions of dollars of reliefpackages worldwide in bailout support to business and industry and society atlarge, billions of dollars lost in export from low income to high incomecountries.AJSS would urge the researchers to initiate their research endeavors.and subsequently publish and share their research pertaining to the above citedavenues so that, from the business perspective, it can eventually be madeavailable to policy makers and regulators especially in low income countries tocombat the enormous aftershocks of Pandemic Covid-19 in an amicable manner.From the global village perspective, we must genuinely respond to thesituation as there seems little choice in extinguishing the devastating effects ofCovid-19 in one country when it's exploding elsewhere and eventually exposingeveryone to huge social and economic perils.




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