University Business Incubators; A Systematic Literature Review from 2000 to 2019
Asghar Ali, Sidra Irfan & Yaamina Salman
Virtual University of Pakistan
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Business incubation initiatives have gained increased attention of researchers, practitioners, andpolicymakers due to its unique ability to provide a conducive environment that develops andaccelerates entrepreneurship. University-based incubation centers have become an essential partof the entrepreneurship support services at campuses to offer critical support and provide variousservices to newly established start-ups. Recognizing the importance of university incubationcenters, researchers are studying various aspects related to university-based business incubators topromote entrepreneurship among university students. In this study, a systematic literature reviewon university business incubators is conducted on 61 research articles selected after a rigorousprocess from three databases (ISI-Web of Knowledge, Taylor & Francis, Emerald). Studies wereanalyzed to answer four main questions related to university business incubators' methodologicalconsiderations, proximal and distant outcomes, theoretical lenses, and major research streams.Results revealed that the majority of the research is being done in European countries and themajority of research articles (50%) were published in 2017 to 2019 most having qualitative designsthat indicate the importance of campus-based incubation initiatives to promote entrepreneurship.Proximal and distant outcomes revealed various factors at individual, team, firm, institutional, andpolicy levels. Institutional, network, and resource based-view (RBV) is the main theoreticalunderpinnings focused on institutional and firm-level studies. This study contributed by analyzing,summarizing, and evaluating UBI's literature concerning methodological considerations, proximaland distant outcomes, and trend of major research streams.
Keywords: University, Business, Incubation, Entrepreneurship, Start-ups
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