Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.6, No.2

Job Status as an Antecedent of Affective Commitment

Yorid Ahsan Zia1, Yasir Mehmood2

1Lecturer, Quaid-e-Azam College of Commerce, University of Peshawar
2MS Scholar, Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar

This study aims at finding the variation in the level of affective commitment between permanent and adhoc faculty members of a large public sector university. A sample of 71 respondents was selected through proportionate stratified sampling method. To collect the data a brief questionnaire was distributed among the selected respondents.The data were analyzed through cross-tabulation and the results revealed that affective commitment level of adhoc lecturers was low as compared to that of permanent lecturers.
Keywords: Job Status, Affective Commitment, Organizational Commitment




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