Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences. Special Issue: AiCTBM 2018

A Model for Measuring Entrepreneurial Inclination among University Students

Nauroz Khan , Shahid Rasheed , Waqar Alam

1 Dean Faculty of Management Sciences, Mashaal University Afghanistan
2,3 Assistant Professor, Abasyn University Peshawar, Pakistan


The sole theme of the study was to measure the mind oriented concept among the university students, either internal perceptual factors have any impact on level of entrepreneurial inclination  among university students in Peshawar KP. For the present study an adapted questionnaire was used having 27 items, encompasses all the dimensions of the selected variables includes risk  and innovativeness, locus of control, tolerance for ambiguity, needs for achievement and entrepreneurial inclination. PLS evaluation technique was used contains reliability, validity and  regression analysis. Results of the study reveal that all the selected variables have significant influence over the dependent variable. Results of the study have managerial implications for all  the stakeholders that can be productive for uplifting the entrepreneurial culture. Beside the presence of working mechanism of business programs running in universities, Institutional support i.e.  SMEDA & SME entrepreneurial environment is not fostering with an accelerated pace in KP, preceding studies has been made on entrepreneurial intentions which was about goal oriented concept however this study primarily focus on attitude of mind toward entrepreneurship i.e. entrepreneurial inclination.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Inclination, University, Students.


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